Navigating success, guiding futures.

A partnership between City of Chicago's Department of Family and Support Services, scaleLIT, and RiseKit providing personalized support for workforce navigation in Chicago.

Connecting Chicagoans with Employment Opportunities and Support Services

a woman in a blue collared shirt and two men with orange wests and hard hats
With our powerful combination of scaleLIT navigation services and RiseKit’s technology, we deliver personalized guidance from experts familiar with Chicago's public workforce system. Our shared commitment is to tailor support to the unique needs of each individual, focusing on enhancing job searches, fostering skill-building, and streamlining career information gathering.

Empowering Chicago's Workforce: Serving Job Seekers, Nonprofits, and Employers

African American woman in a yellow vest and white hard hat in the factory working

Step into the job that's waiting for you.

Gain access to a supportive community that understands your journey. Our network simplifies resource navigation, providing clarity and steadfast support throughout your job-seeking process. Our delegation of over 50 agencies offers services for moms, veterans, returning citizens, those looking for mental health services, or those who know they need help but are unsure what their options are.


Get connected to a navigator today!

Woman in a black shirt behind a computer being mentored by another woman in a light blue shirt

Your bridge to seamless workforce collaboration.

Share program details with prospective candidates effortlessly, empowering them to make informed decisions about their career paths. Our Navigators are committed to providing continuous support to candidates, guiding them through the enrollment process and ensuring a seamless transition into your programs. Access personalized support from dedicated Navigators who work closely with candidates to enhance their fit with your programs.


Start receiving prospective program participant referrals today!

Woman in a white and black plaid shirt interviewing a woman in an orange sweater sitting across the table from one another.

Your inclusive hiring partner.

Simplify your community hiring process and tap into local talent. Foster a pipeline of job-ready candidates from community partnerships, reducing your time to hire. 


Start accessing local talent today!

For Job Seekers

For Nonprofits

For Employers

Success Stories

Ariana was working as a paralegal and in desperate need of a career change. She partnered with RiseKit’s Career Navigator to update her resume and highlight how her paralegal skill set can be applied to other industries. RiseKit also held mock interviews to help Ariana articulate how her legal skills could translate over into education. Ariana received a full-time job offer from Chicago Public Schools and is working as a teacher’s aide.


Randy was frustrated over where he was in his job search. As a returning citizen, he was turned down for several jobs and had limits on where he could go and live. Thanks to his work with RiseKit’s Career Navigator, he has now secured full-time employment at a livable wage and is well on his way to financial independence. He is also saving up for his own apartment.


Working with RiseKit’s Career Navigator gave Marcus hope. As a justice-involved young adult, he felt defeated because many companies would not hire him due to his background. RiseKit helped Marcus update his resume and introduced him to various resources and training opportunities to help him become more competitive and secure and maintain gainful employment. He is now applying for a paid training program that focuses on computer-animated design, robotics, and welding.

Marcus said that he appreciates the one-on-one assistance from RiseKit and that the company invests in—and believes in—people like him.


Sharon came to RiseKit concerned about age discrimination. She was having financial difficulties and worried that no company would take a chance on her because of her age. RiseKit’s Career Navigator helped Sharon update her resume and get the interview training she needed to land her dream role.

Sharon has now secured full-time, remote employment as a marketing coordinator at Cigna. RiseKit also connected her to its community partners to help improve her overall financial situation.


RiseKit client Tramon is an excellent example of how hard work can help you make better choices in life. He faced multiple barriers to employment due to his involvement with the justice system, and RiseKit’s Career Navigator helped him remove those barriers through upskilling, training, and determining his short-term and long-term goals. He is now in the application process for several paid, reentry workforce development programs.

Tramon no longer feels overwhelmed due to having RiseKit in his corner and appreciates the simplicity of its technology. He also loves the text messaging function and the fact that he can communicate with the company from the comfort of his cell phone.


Resources Hub

Explore a collection of resources to unlock the potential for untapped talent.

A Case for Change: Bridging Gaps in Workforce Development Ecosystems
Blog: How RiseKit's AI Enhances Skills-Based Hiring for Social Impact

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