The RiseKit Blog: Insights & Strategies for Workforce Development

A Case for Change: Bridging Gaps in Workforce Development Ecosystems

Written by Brie Foresman | Apr 29, 2024 1:22:40 PM

In today's rapidly evolving economy, the need for a skilled workforce is paramount for sustained economic growth. However, the traditional workforce development ecosystem often falls short in bridging the gap between job seekers and employers. RiseKit presents an innovative approach to address this challenge by fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, including employers, nonprofits, training and education providers, funders, and government agencies. By connecting these entities, RiseKit aims to create better pathways for vulnerable populations and job seekers facing barriers to employment.


The Current Challenge

The workforce development ecosystem faces significant hurdles in keeping pace with the changing demands of the economy. Siloed approaches and disjointed efforts result in a critical skills gap, leaving both employers and job seekers struggling to find the right fit. This gap is exacerbated by the isolation of key participants within the ecosystem, hindering adaptation, biodiversity, and connectedness—the essential elements of a thriving ecosystem.


RiseKit’s Solution

RiseKit offers a paradigm shift by reframing the workforce development ecosystem as an interconnected network rather than a series of isolated processes. By bringing together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and sectors, RiseKit fosters collaboration, innovation, and adaptability, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of the ecosystem.


Key Strategies for Success


  1. Connecting Ecosystem Participants

    RiseKit serves as a central hub, convening employers, government programs, educational institutions, nonprofits, and communities. By integrating with RiseKit, stakeholders can align efforts and focus on the skills demanded by employers, ensuring that training and education programs are tailored to meet the needs of both job seekers and employers.

  2. Focusing on Vulnerable Populations

    With its focus on overlooked job-seekers, RiseKit prioritizes the advancement of at-risk populations. By functioning as an additional layer to existing systems, RiseKit dismantles barriers for historically marginalized communities, ensuring that every qualified candidate receives fair consideration.

  3. Modeling Behavior as an Employer

    RiseKit advocates for employers to lead by example. By integrating RiseKit into their practices, employers can invest in the training and upskilling of their workforce, revisit hiring practices to be more inclusive, and adopt flexible work arrangements and modern benefit packages.

  4. Measuring, Monitoring, and Anticipating Ecosystem Gaps

    RiseKit emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making and proactive gap analysis within the workforce development ecosystem. By integrating RiseKit, stakeholders can measure outcomes, identify skill gaps, and leverage technology to connect job seekers with in-demand skills, ensuring that interventions are targeted and effective.



In a rapidly changing economy, the success of workforce development initiatives depends on collaboration, innovation, and adaptability. RiseKit offers a comprehensive approach to bridge gaps within the workforce development ecosystem, empowering individuals, supporting employers, and driving economic growth. By embracing RiseKit, intermediaries can play a pivotal role in building thriving and inclusive communities where every individual has the opportunity to succeed.