Rising With RiseKit

Meet Hollie Mhlanga | Marketing Manager at RiseKit

Written by RiseKit Corporate | Jan 13, 2021 9:15:01 PM

As the marketing manager, Hollie works cross-functionally with our leadership team to ensure the highest level of client experience for our job seekers, our partners, numerous government agencies and organizations, and more.

Name:  Hollie Mhlanga

Title: Marketing Manager

Location: Atlanta, GA


How long have you been working at RiseKit? 

I started at RiseKit in September of 2020.


What do you do at RiseKit? 

As the marketing manager, I’m responsible for managing all marketing initiatives. I work cross-functionally with customer success, product, and leadership teams to set the strategy. Then, it’s time to execute! My focus is to create a brand job seekers’ trust and find the most value in, including digital marketing campaigns that dazzle and a client experience that delights.


Describe how you have been able to rise in your career - to what can you attribute your success? 

I’ve been able to rise in my career thanks to the work of my mother, who taught me the value of a hard day’s work (and prayed for me to get that lesson), my fantastic network who wants to see me succeed, and saying “no” to fear!


A brief description of your work experience (aside from RiseKit): 

I’ve spent my career working in different areas within the marketing and tech industries. I got my start by interning for startups in the Atlanta Tech Village during college, learning the good, bad, and the less desirable aspects of building your dream from scratch. I moved into the SaaS business by way of the healthcare information technology industry, tackling things from managing three-day product activations at industry trade shows to executing nationwide customer appreciation initiatives. 


What time do you wake up in the morning? 

I’m fully a “the early bird gets the worm” kind of gal! I’m usually up between 5:30 and 7:30 am EST every day.


Do you have any pets?

I don’t have any animal pets, but I am a new plant mom of my snake plant, Cecil. I’m so proud she’s growing, and I am finally developing a green thumb!


What’s your favorite vacation destination you’ve visited and why: 

I would have to say that I love Montego Bay, Jamaica! The time moves slower there, the scenery is breathtaking, and the people felt like family from the moment I stepped off the plane. The food made me dance, the music made me sway, and I can’t wait to be there again!


Dream vacation location?

I really want to recreate the journey from the famous movie, Eat, Pray Love, and visit Italy, India, and Indonesia in that order!


Do you have any tips for standing out in an interview?

Proper preparation is your best friend. You’re already awesome, so taking the time to research and rehearse will serve you well throughout the interview process, no matter how long it is!


Favorite color:

I love orange because it’s a color and fruit! It feels like I get two birds with one stone!


Favorite sports team:

I love my Atlanta Falcons, and no, I do not want to discuss the game that shall not be named!


Favorite childhood dish:

Peanut butter soup with oxtail and fufu (a staple meal from my Zimbabwean mother)! 


Please share an inspirational quote that you believe will motivate others to help them RISE:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness,

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?