Rising With RiseKit

Meet Dario Medina | Co-founder and VP of Operations at RiseKit

Written by RiseKit Corporate | Nov 18, 2020 11:47:01 PM

In January 2020, Dario Medina left the real estate industry to purse a career in the startup world as cofounder and VP of Operations at RiseKit. As RiseKit continues to grow and form new strategic partnerships, secure investments and hire multiple new employees, Dario works passionately to ensure the operations of the organization run smoothly and successfully.

Q&A with Dario Medina: 

Dario Medina

VP of Operations & Co-Founder

Current City, State:
Chicago, IL

When did you start working at RiseKit:
January 2020

What are some of your tasks at RiseKit?
Strategy, customer success, finance, accounting, payroll, and HR.

Describe how you have been able to rise in your career - to what can you attribute your success?
Passion, relationship building, hard work

A brief description of your work experience (aside from RiseKit):
Redfin (Great Lakes District Manager; Chicago Market Manager; Lead Agent), BMS Ventures (COO) real estate development

What time do you wake up in the morning?

Children / Spouse?
Wife is Candace; Daughter is Sofia (9 years old)

What’s your favorite vacation destination you’ve visited and why:
Costa Rica - a beautiful country with tons of nature, animals, mountains, oceans, and the people are super friendly

Dream vacation location?
Greek Islands

Do you have any tips for standing out in an interview?
Be yourself

Favorite color:

Favorite sports team:

Favorite childhood meal:

Golf, running, biking, skiing, reading

Please share an inspirational quote that you believe will motivate others to help them RISE.
Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.