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Meet Melissa Lovitt- RiseKit Career Navigator

Written by RiseKit Corporate | Jul 29, 2021 3:30:00 PM

Melissa Lovitt joined the RiseKit team as its first Career Navigator. In this role, she manages the full life cycle of an overlooked, undervalued job seeker. She supports candidates as they navigate the RiseKit site by connecting them to a variety of resources, training, and educational opportunities, employment opportunities, and other supportive services based on their needs. We're excited to have her join the team and for you to learn a little more about her!

Describe how you have been able to rise in your career - to what can you attribute your success?

I have been able to rise in my career through hard work, perseverance, planning, and goal-setting. My lived experiences as someone who has endured significant barriers throughout life allow me to authentically connect to individuals in need of support. My passion for social justice, mental health care, and human rights - combined with my social work education keep me motivated and determined to make a positive difference in the world!


A brief description of your work experience: 

My most recent work history includes working in the nonprofit sector as a Lead Client Solutions Specialist supporting justice-involved individuals and returning citizens throughout their reentry process to free society. I spent several years as a recruiting and sales professional in the IT industry and worked as an Admissions Counselor for a computer training institution. 


What time do you wake up in the morning?

6:00-6:30 a.m. CST

Do you have any pets? 

Yes! A female parakeet named Stormy Winston. Also, I have been caring for a neighborhood feral cat - named “Cat” for the last couple of years. I built a DIY outdoor cat shelter that sits on my deck, and he is fed gourmet cat food twice daily. I’m very allergic to cats - but he is very cute and worth the itching eyes!


Children / Spouse?

Daughter -age 13. Divorced, single parent.

What’s your favorite vacation destination you’ve visited and why:

South Dakota, Badlands National Park. As a child, my family made several roadtrips to SD to visit the reservations of Indigenous peoples; it was important to my father that we appreciate their culture and history. 

Dream vacation location? 

St. Mortiz, Switzerland. I plan to take my daughter there before she starts college. This gives me plenty of time to save!

Do you have any tips for standing out in an interview? 

Preparation! Do your homework...learn important information about the organization. Additionally, prepare several questions about the position you are applying for and be prepared to speak about how your work history and skillset make you the best candidate. Lastly, be professional while maintaining your authenticity! Let employers know that what they see is what they get!

Favorite color:

Too hard to choose one! Black, “blush”, blue, forest green...

Favorite sports team:

None. Not a sports fan, sorry! 

Favorite childhood meal:

Fried zucchini blossoms and eggplant parmesan.


Watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, long nature walks in Humboldt Park with my daughter, listening to music, and dancing.


Please share an inspirational quote that you believe will motivate others to help them RISE. 

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it”. Harper Lee