The RiseKit Blog: Insights & Strategies for Workforce Development

RiseKit Success Story: Demetrius Jennings

Written by RiseKit Corporate | Nov 18, 2020 11:43:43 PM

From intern to aspiring alderman, Demetrius Jennings has big plans for his future. After hearing about us from his mentor, Maze Jackson, and immediately connecting with RiseKit CEO Matt Strauss about our work and mission, he began his internship with RiseKit in 2019. Throughout his time here, he assisted job candidates in finding the best fitting jobs, training, and support in the Chicagoland area. Here’s a peek into his journey with RiseKit and beyond. We’re excited to see how far he will rise!

Demetrius Jennings

Where are you from (what neighborhood)?

Describe a time in your life that impacted you to think positively:
Growing up on the south side of Chicago, seeing those I grew up with pass because of gun and domestic violence made me realize that I had to make an impact in my community to show we are more than a stereotype. We are leaders. 

Can you tell us about a training program, school, staff or person that changed your life?
Graduation Perspectives Charter School allowed me to be myself in a community where I saw myself creating change. I was able to share my personal experience and experience of others living in the Aurburn Gresham community through music, inspiring graduates to chase their dreams despite the roadblocks that may slow them down in the process. 

After RiseKit, what is the new job and/or career you are starting?
I am a fellow at Relativity

How has this new career shaped your professional goals?
Tech and government have always been fields of interest to me. At Relativity, I now have access to learn more about the tech world through global software used by government agencies.

How did RiseKit prepare you for this new position?
My experience of working with RiseKit allowed me to learn the ropes of marketing and sales through software. Plus, RiseKit taught me the skills of becoming a future account manager.

10 years from now, where are you?
I see myself running for Alderman on the south side of Chicago.

What inspirational quote would you share with others who are also just starting out in their careers?
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.