Woman in orange and white polka dot shirt talking to another woman in a blazer across a desk

5 Strategies to Fill Entry-Level and Frontline Roles


The Hidden Workforce: Your Secret Sauce for Staffing Success

Securing top talent for entry-level and frontline roles is a persistent challenge for many businesses. While traditional recruitment methods often fall short, a vast pool of skilled individuals—the hidden workforce—remains untapped. By shifting your focus and implementing strategic and intentional hiring strategies, you can unlock this valuable resource and transform your recruitment and talent acquisition approach.


Let's explore five proven strategies to uncover and engage this hidden talent:


  1. Create Skills-Based Job Descriptions: The Gateway to a Wider Talent Pool
    Forget rigid job descriptions that prioritize degrees and years of experience.  Focus on the core competencies and essential skills needed for success in the role. Survey employees in the job you are hiring for what skills are essential to be successful and what are transferable skills from other industries that we could consider. By crafting skills-based job descriptions, you open doors to a broader range of candidates, including those with non-traditional career paths, returning professionals, and individuals with transferable skills from other industries.

    Bonus Tip: Leverage technology like RiseKit's recommendation engine to match job seekers' skills with your specific requirements, streamlining the process and saving you valuable time.

  2. Incorporate Inclusive Hiring Practices: Leveling the Playing Field
    Unconscious bias can inadvertently exclude qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds.  To create a fair and inclusive hiring process, train your managers to recognize and overcome these biases. Instead of focusing on resume gaps or job-hopping, encourage them to evaluate candidates based solely on their skills for the job. Consider using blind hiring techniques, where personal information is removed from applications to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

  3. Invest in Returnship Programs: A Bridge Back to the Workforce
    Many skilled professionals take career breaks for caregiving, further education, or personal reasons. Returnship programs provide a structured pathway back to employment, offering training, mentorship, and support to refresh skills and rebuild confidence. These programs are a win-win: you gain access to experienced talent, and individuals get a valuable opportunity to relaunch their careers.

  4. Establish and Build Community Partnerships: Tapping into Local Talent Networks
    Partnering with community organizations specializing in connecting hidden workers with employment opportunities can be a game-changer. Collaborate with veteran support groups, disability advocacy organizations, community colleges, and re-entry programs to access a pre-vetted pool of motivated and skilled candidates.

    Bonus Tip: Utilize RiseKit's communication tools to streamline your outreach and collaboration with community-based organizations.

  5. Streamline Your Hiring Process: Speed and Efficiency Matter
    Hidden job seekers often face unique challenges, such as urgent financial needs or caregiving responsibilities. A lengthy hiring process can create significant barriers to employment. By prioritizing speed and efficiency, you demonstrate your commitment to candidates and increase your chances of securing top talent from this often-overlooked pool. Simplify your application process, expedite interviews, and provide timely feedback. A streamlined experience not only attracts hidden talent but also shows that you value their time and circumstances. Remember, every day matters for these candidates.



By embracing these strategies, you can unlock the hidden workforce and gain a competitive edge in the talent war. Not only will you fill your open positions with skilled and motivated individuals, but you'll also foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace. The future of hiring lies in recognizing the untapped potential that exists beyond traditional channels. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your organization with the power of hidden talent.


Interested in learning more? Schedule a consultation with our team!