Meet Eliana Strauss, RiseKit Intern


Meet one of our newest interns here at RiseKit, Eliana Strauss! Eliana came to us in January, hailing from Madison, WI. We're excited to have such a shining star on the team!
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Here's a little bit about her!

What do you do at RiseKit?

Process Documentation, Management of Knowledge Base, Creation of Shared Google Drive, Marketing Research


Describe how you have been able to rise in your career - to what can you attribute your success?

Strong interpersonal skills, curiosity, creativity, perseverance, hard work, and passion.


A brief description of your work experience:
Summer Intern at Erasing the Distance and Lewis Summer Intern at JUF (Jewish United Fund)


Also, here's a few fun questions as well!

What time do you wake up in the morning?
Between 9:30 and 11:00 am
Do you have any pets? 
A golden retriever named Bodhi
What’s your favorite vacation destination you’ve visited and why:
Barcelona, Spain. The lifestyle there is so different from the U.S., but so incredible. I like how they work to live, and don’t live to work. Also, everyone is extremely friendly and there is a very strong sense of community.
Dream vacation location?

Favorite color:


Favorite sports team:

Wisconsin Badgers Basketball

Listening to music, watching documentaries, being outside in nature, eating good food, reading and writing

Please share an inspirational quote that you believe will motivate others to help them RISE.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”