Unveiling the Power of Hidden Workers: A Talent Pool You're Missing

In industries like hospitality, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing, securing top talent is the...

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Blue background with red blobs and one male and one female warehouse worker with title Hidden workers: a talent pool you're missing
DFSS and RiseKit logos separated by plus sign with blue and red triangles on the left side

DFSS Renews Partnership with RiseKit to Boost Chicagoland Job Opportunities

In Chicago, a partnership between the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) and RiseKit...

Blue background with yellow and red lines. RiseKit CEO, Josh Glantz standing next to quote.

Meet Josh Glantz: RiseKit’s New CEO

We are thrilled to introduce Josh Glantz, the new CEO of RiseKit. With a passion for innovation and...

RiseKit founder Matt Strauss with new CEO Josh Glantz

RiseKit Leadership Update: Josh Glantz Joins as CEO,  Matt Strauss Transitions to President

RiseKit’s mission is to make it easier for job seekers from underserved communities to find and...

UKG and RiseKit logos representing a partnership

RiseKit Joins UKG’s Marketplace and Diversity Accelerator Program

RiseKit streamlines local and diverse hiring for UKG customers, paving a way for ATS Integrations...

Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Collaboration: RiseKit's Milestones in 2023

As 2024 approaches, we at RiseKit wanted to take a moment to reflect on our incredible journey this...

40 Under 40: The Founders and Leaders Shaping 2023

By Karen Veliz-June 2, 2023