Conference reflections horizons logo by RiseKit CEO, Josh Glantz with Josh Glantz headshot and blue and red shapes on a white background

Reflecting on JFF Horizons 2024: A Week of Inspiration and Innovation in Workforce Development


I recently had the privilege of attending the JFF Horizons 2024 conference in Washington, D.C., and it was a truly inspiring experience. The energy and passion of the workforce development leaders gathered there was palpable, fueled by a shared commitment to creating a more equitable and prosperous future of work.

The excitement was amplified by President Biden's unexpected announcement about his reelection campaign just hours before the event kicked off. It set the stage for a week of thought-provoking discussions and innovative ideas.

As a first-time attendee, I was eager to connect with leaders in the field and learn about new approaches to empowering individuals and communities. Here are some of my key takeaways:

  • Innovative Partnerships: JFF's partnership with American Student Assistance, establishing The ASA Center for Career Navigation, exemplified the power of collaboration in driving progress. This initiative aims to enhance career navigation and support for learners and workers seeking economic advancement.
  • Green Technology as a Catalyst: The conference highlighted the immense potential of green technology to create quality jobs, while emphasizing the need to ensure equitable access to these opportunities for all.
  • The Power of Connection: Several sessions emphasized the role of personal networks in accessing economic mobility and the importance of bridging the gap for the millions of Americans seeking better opportunities.
  • AI's Transformative Potential: Experts like Vivienne Ming and Aneesh Raman shared insights on how AI can revolutionize work, highlighting its ability to automate routine tasks while opening new avenues for creativity and innovation.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Engaging discussions underscored the importance of policy in shaping workforce development and the power of collective advocacy to create positive change. The inspiring example of the Washington, D.C. data system initiative demonstrated the impact of collaboration between government, philanthropy, employers, and intermediaries.

The conference reaffirmed JFF’s north star goal of finding quality jobs for 75 million Americans across a range of vulnerable, marginalized, and hard-to-reach workers and learners.

75 million.  That’s a big number.

At RiseKit, we're committed to tackling these challenges head-on by:

  • Quantifying Progress: We're developing tools and metrics to accurately measure the effectiveness of workforce development initiatives, enabling data-informed decision-making and continuous improvement.
  • Connecting Fragmented Systems: Our platform bridges the gaps between talent providers, community organizations, and employers, creating a more seamless and accessible pathway to good jobs.
  • Strengthening Employer Partnerships: We work closely with employers to create a robust workforce ecosystem that efficiently matches talent with opportunities, providing feedback loops that enhance both individual and organizational growth.

I left JFF Horizons 2024 feeling energized and optimistic about the future of workforce development. I'm excited to collaborate with our partners to accelerate progress and create a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

If you'd like to learn more about RiseKit's mission and solutions, I'd love to connect by email at