How RiseKit's AI Enhances Skills-Based Hiring for Social Impact

In today's competitive job market, employers are faced with a fragmented recruitment landscape that...

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Woman with curly hair sitting behind a desk and laptop interviewing another woman

How Federal Partners Can Navigate The Path To OFCCP Compliance

By Matt Strauss Forbes Councils Member

Chicagoland Launch and Grow Week Alongside City of Chicago DFSS, Chicago Urban League, CWFA, ScaleLit and Lawrence Hall

RiseKit, The City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, Chicago Urban League, The...

How Companies Can Partner With Schools & Communities To Reach Overlooked Talent

Most companies and organizations today looking to develop their workforce typically look to hiring...

How Stand Together and RiseKit are partnering to break employment barriers for millions of Americans: 3 Key Benefits

3 Key Benefits of the RiseKit and Stand Together partnership

Employer Profile: European Wax Center

European Wax Center joined RiseKit in June 2020 European Wax Center aims to drive confidence in...